Frequently Asked Questions on Datakrew

Where is Datakrew based out of?
Incorporated and headquartered in Singapore, with team presence in Singapore, India and Indonesia, and serving customers globally.
Who is behind Datakrew?
A team of industry veterans and PhD domain experts from Automotive, IoT, AI, Energy Storage, and Data Security.
Who are Datakrew’s investors, and how can we invest?
Beenext, Lighthouse Canton, AngelList, CloudCapital, iSeed SEA, XA Network. For investments, email ceo@datakrew.com
Who are Datakrew’s ecosystem collaborators, and how can we collaborate?
Enterprise Singapore, ACE Singapore, Scaler8, Ecolabs, ICE71, NTUitive, IPI Singapore, Jetro, Infosys, Infineon, MoveSG, Strides. For collaborations, email ceo@datakrew.com
How can I join Datakrew?
Lookout for job openings or email us at hr@datakrew.com
How can I become a Datakrew partner?
Email us at ceo@datakrew.com

Product Related Queries

Which OEMs and EVs are ITUS compatible with?
Checkout OEM Compatibility and Asset Compatibility to know more
How is ITUS installed?
Plug-&-play installation in < 5 minutes and auto-enable as soon as installed.
What raw data does ITUS collect from EVs?
Battery data, Charging data, Telemetry data, and Driving data in real-time. Contact us for a complete list.
Is OXRED analytics data available on APIs?
Yes, we support API integration with your system.
How is Datakrew’s solution different from Telematics?
GPS Telematics is real-time tracking/alerts of GPS location with route planning. It does not offer the driver’s impact on EV health and safety, risk scores of every trip, or predictions of EV breakdown.
How is Datakrew’s solution different from BMS Monitoring?
BMS Monitoring is real-time tracking/alerts of BMS data at an individual EV level. It does not offer aggregated data analytics at a fleet level, nor comparisons, predictions, and optimizations.
Can OXRED be white-labeled?
Yes, with our T&C applicable.
Do ITUS and OXRED work for BESS too?
Yes, ITUS supports various CAN standards and protocols, and another version also supports Modbus TCP. OXRED supports BESS monitoring and analytics.

Pricing & Related

What is Datakrew’s pricing model?
Hardware + Software + Services.
Does Datakrew ship globally?
Yes, ITUS is compatible in >140 countries out of the box.
How can I get a Product demo?
Please reach out to us here or contact abhishek@datakrew.com